Job Order System

#Windows Phone #C-sharp .Net #PHP #JSON #RESTAPI #Android

A company specialized in sealant was using a job order system where employees could find information about their daily work tasks. After a task, they had to fill in information like used materials, parking money etc. The problem of this system was that it was outdated and consisted out of paper forms that were prone to errors. My job was to digitize this entire system. Using Windows Phones, the employees now have all information available in their pocket. When all information is filled in, they get information about their next task. The server receives and sends all this data on a secure line and communicates this back to the office. Recently, an Android app has been added to this system.

Lending system

#PHP #Javascript #Bootstrap #HTML #CSS

The Academy of Engineering and IT of Avans University of Applied Sciences in Breda lends hundreds of items every year to employees and students. An Excel file was used for the registration, which is rather unwieldy. I have created a system that enables student and employees to lend items themselves. The registration of lending an item takes place by scanning their employee/student card and the item with a barcode scanner.

Uganda Hears - Charity project

#Wordpress #PHP #HTML #CSS

Uganda Hears is a foundation that is committed to ensure a safe, healthy and educational environment for handicapped children in Uganda. I have built a new website on which they have the possibility to post news, share new projects and of course generate donations.

Webshop, website and marketing project

#Wordpress #SEO #Marketing #Webshop #PHP #HTML #CSS #Javascript

A company selling wooden- and laminate floors and scaffolding wood furniture needed a website and webshops. In this project the main key was marketing and SEO. In just a few months I realized a traffic of about 35.000+ directional, real visitors. The hardest goal was to get those online visitors to the physical branch. This, however, has been realized pretty well because nowadays the company has grown from one to five branches and is still expanding. This was one of my first big projects where marketing was very important and made me more interested in all corresponding activities.

Homework and task(to-dos) manager

#PHP #Javascript #HTML #CSS #Responsive

I was looking for a system where I could manage my homework and to-do list on the go. I decided to build such a system myself, so I could eventually expand it with more functionality. My teachers were also enthusiastic about this system because a lot of students have trouble keeping track of their homework. With this system, it is easy to see work that has priority, maintaining a good overview.

Work schedule webapp


As described earlier on this page, my first project was to build a website for employees of a restaurant chain where they can find their work schedule. They also have the possibility to request a day off, switch days with other employees etc.